A new study focusing on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, shows that the physics of alien oceans could prevent evidence of deep-sea life from reaching places where we can detect it.
Fantastic drone footage shows great whites and other shark species swimming in shallow waters close to beaches worldwide. While seeing these sharks is common, did you know that some massive sharks ...
On Thursday, the Aquarium of the Pacific released its first Marine Species Report Card, detailing the population trends of 30 ...
Searching for life in alien oceans may be more difficult than scientists previously thought, even when we can sample these ...
The deepest regions of Earth's oceans, known as the abyssal and hadal zones, lie at least as far under the water's surface as ...
The brightest stars and creatives in the music industry walked the red carpet at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles Sunday ...
A new study has revealed new evidence that a huge "megaflood" refilled a sea today adored by millions of tourists, ending a ...