You can spot the adult moth flying from dusk, feeding on the wing at plants like honeysuckle and other nectar-rich tubular flowers. This day-flying hawkmoth was mainly a migrant to the UK, but a very ...
There are about 1,850 species of micro-moth recorded in the UK, and at least 62,000 named worldwide ... Moths and butterflies evolved from a common ancestor about 250 million years ago. Traditionally, ...
An extremely rare micro moth has been ... The tiny moths have a wingspan of 6 to 6.8mm and have been recorded at less than a ...
The micro-moth ... fully grown moths already present, staff who carried out the survey have probably seen more of these beautiful, feather-like moths than anyone else in the UK.
Moths are crucial for the survival of many ... It also has a yellowish body and is very common in the south of the UK, getting less common as you go further north. The caterpillars feed mainly ...