Citizen Sleeper 2 offers three classes, each influencing your journey in different ways, but here's the class you should pick ...
This genre may not appeal to everyone, especially in an industry dominated by online multiplayer games and triple-A single-player experiences; however, players will feel a different sense of ...
Remarkable is an understatement when it comes to describing a title as captivating as Citizen Sleeper. The game is an indie darling that combines sci-fi RPG with an incredible narrative and bits of ...
Starward Vector is a new chapter in the critically acclaimed sci-fi adventure from developer Jump Over The Ages.
If you are wondering what kind of Sleeper you should be, this Citizen Sleeper 2: Best Starting Classes Guide should help you decide.
Starward Vector sparks constant reflection on the way we interact with others and the philosophies we choose as our driving ...
Citizen Sleeper 2 did an incredible job of leaving me feeling desperate and like I was struggling to survive in a terrifying galaxy.
With more dicey systems and crew management Citizen Sleeper 2 risks losing some of its storytelling heart, even if it remains ...
Starward Vector from developer Jump Over The Age and publisher Fellow Traveller is the sequel to 2022's Citizen Sleeper, and ...
Developer Gareth Damian Martin tackles gig work, trauma and communities in crisis in the follow up to the acclaimed game ...