Holm's Rock is one of the vibrant space stations in Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector. It provides the standard facilities, ...
Starward Vector is the highly anticipated Sci-Fi CPRG from Jump Over The Age -- and it's already one of this year's best game ...
Starward Vector, an indie RPG where dice rolls and crew dynamics shape your sci-fi adventure. Launching early 2024.
Citizen Sleeper 2 tells an engrossing sci-fi story determined by choices and dice.
Developer Gareth Damian Martin tackles gig work, trauma and communities in crisis in the follow up to the acclaimed game ...
If you are wondering what kind of Sleeper you should be, this Citizen Sleeper 2: Best Starting Classes Guide should help you ...
Starward Vector sparks constant reflection on the way we interact with others and the philosophies we choose as our driving force. Much like with its predecessor, the team at Jump Over the Age ...
Citizen Sleeper 2’s Writing Is Great. In Citizen Sleeper 2, players take on the role of a Sleeper, which is essentially an ...
Citizen Sleeper 2 did an incredible job of leaving me feeling desperate and like I was struggling to survive in a terrifying galaxy.
Issues delivered straight to your door or device Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector is a smart sequel in that it takes ...
A sci-fi adventure that combines TTRPG gameplay elements with intense, real world distress.
Starward Vector builds on its sci-fi predecessor with tougher survival systems and an optimistic transhumanist story.