A healthy cattle market benefitted the recent Western Illinois University School of Agriculture’s 53rd Annual Bull Test Sale.
The bulls are all spring yearlings and will be approximately 15 months of age at turnout and accordingly should be expected ...
New addition to Sire Advice has potential to save dairy industry €2.2 million, writes Kevin Downing from ICBF.
The males are finished as under 16-month bull beef. Some of the heifers are kept for breeding, while those which are not are ...
A 53-year-old fruit vendor lost his life after being attacked by a stray bull in Narela on Saturday. The victim, Mohammad ...
Compared to last week’s sale, Choice Slaughter Steers and Heifers traded mostly 2.00 higher while Select Steers and Heifers traded 6.00 lower. Lean Dairy Cows traded mostly 2.50 lower. Holstein Bull ...
Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, South Dakota Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar Averages:   41 Red Angus Bulls – $3,774 It was a ...
There was a strong entry of pedigree and commercial cattle at the Northern Ireland Limousin Young Breeders’ Club’s Rising ...
In the weanling ring steers and bulls sold from £900 to £1770 paid for a 361kg Charolais and heifers ranged from £800 to ...