This button quail chick is truly as cute as a button, and as a bonus, it can fit perfectly in the palm of your hand.
Puffins, often referred to as the 'clown of the sea' or 'sea parrot,' are remarkable avian athletes known for their ...
AI also powers the Swift Go 14 AI’s proximity sensor, telling itself to secure its screen if it detects you’re no longer at ...
Thomas, a savvy businessman, started a cargo company, while Mary raised their 7 children. Then, in 1811 Thomas died and Mary decided to continue on her own. She bought more ships and more properties, ...
Some behaviorists also suggest that the chattering motion may be an involuntary response – almost like a muscle reflex – as ...
Welcome to the New Pet Blues, a very real emotional rollercoaster that hits right after the initial excitement fades.
From the bumblebee bat to the Baluchistan pygmy jerboa, here are eight of the world's smallest mammals who thrive in a world ...
Michigan is home to many species of animals and as winter gives way to spring there is an on-going effort to measure the ...
Cats are endlessly entertaining with their quirky antics and mysterious ways. While some of their behaviors seem random, they ...
Victoria's new Cat Management Strategy, which could shorten holding periods for stray cats, has sparked fears of more ...
Enter a Cockatoo named Bandit. Though he normally does enjoy TV, seeing something (or should I say someone) he didn't like on ...