The Hive, a bee simulator developed by Varsav Game Studios. Bee Simulator: The Hive is a new installment combining the ...
Essentially Bee Simulator bundled together with an expansion, The Hive adds new content and mechanics to both the base game ...
In the stunning video above, a beekeeper discovers an enormous beehive underneath a grandmother’s kitchen cabinet. The video, ...
Beekeepers can look into applying for relief for hive loss through the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish (ELAP) program through the USDA. When it comes to keeping ...
A recent survey found an average loss of 62% of bee colonies among commercial operations in less than a year. Causes and solutions remain unknown.
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science (SCS) and the University of California, Riverside ...
March 15, 2025: We’ve had another rummage around the hive for new Bee Swarm ... you must first go to the Bee Swarm Simulator Roblox page and log into your Roblox account. From here, click ...
Commercial beekeepers in Texas have lost about two thirds of their honey bees since June last year, according to a recent ...
Bees are essential to pollinating California ... He began keeping those stats on his own, creating a log that shows hive thefts reaching all-time highs each of the past two years.
California almond orchards have turned snowy white, signaling the start of bloom. However, beekeepers say that bee mortality rates are at an all-time high, and they are concerned there may not be ...