A recent White House order lays the foundations for the government to deport international students who've participated in protests against Israel. Critics call it censorship of protected speech.
A small army of activists has mobilized to try to hold landlords accountable for price gouging on their rental listings after the Los Angeles wildfires.
Here are NPR's Darian Woods and Adrian Ma from our Planet Money podcast, The Indicator. ADRIAN MA, BYLINE: Looking at the earnings of U.S. companies, on average, they have made out handsomely.
We're joined now by NPR's Adrian Florido in Los Angeles for more. Hi, Adrian. ADRIAN FLORIDO, BYLINE: Hi, Ailsa. CHANG: OK, so it has been seven days since these fires started tearing through LA.
Officials are warning the risk of new fires is extremely high through tomorrow. We're joined now by NPR's Adrian Florido in Los Angeles for more. Hi, Adrian. ADRIAN FLORIDO, BYLINE: Hi, Ailsa. CHANG: ...