Even a 3-day juice cleanse can disrupt “good” bacteria in the mouth and gut, increasing the risk of inflammation.
Most people think of juicing as a healthy cleanse, but this study offers a reality check,” said senior study author Dr.
“Most people think of juicing as a healthy cleanse, but this study offers a reality check,” said senior author of the study Dr Melinda Ring in a statement. “Consuming large amounts of juice with ...
Juice cleanses promise glowing skin, effortless weight loss, and a healthy dose of vitamins, but you may want to think […] ...
A study by Northwestern University researchers found that consuming only fruit and veggie juices, even for a short period of time, may be detrimental to health due to the lack of fiber and ...
Think your juice cleanse is making you healthier? A new Northwestern University study suggests it might be doing the opposite.
Are juice cleanses really worth the hype? New research suggests they may be harming your body's "good" bacteria, leading to ...
The study observed that a juice-based diet can adversely affect the oral bacterial environment, leading to inflammation. Here's all you need to know.
Uncover the surprising effects of juice cleanses on oral and gut bacteria. A new study reveals the impact of juice-based ...