If a small asteroid were to hit Apophis ... While it will pass close to the planet in 2029 and 2036, NASA says it’s unlikely ...
In reality, even as the near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 was moving away, ground-based telescopes were able to gather enough observations to get a better handle on its orbit. So we can safely take a deep ...
Emporia State University's Peterson Planetarium is all about asteroids in March, with a focus on one asteroid in particular.
further observations eventually allowed astronomers in 2021 to rule out the possibility of an impact when the asteroid makes a close flyby to Earth in 2029 and again in 2036. In the coming years ...
According to CBS News, an asteroid, 2024 YR4, that is gaining notoriety for its potential to collide with Earth in 2032, saw its estimated impact probability fluctuate significantly this week.