Researchers have found that high levels of salt kill fertilized coho salmon eggs, raising concerns about the use of road salt ...
for my career "Beyond the BSc"?
Students who have been approved by Science Advising for “deferred standing” status in a course are expected to sit at the first scheduled time for a make-up exam. As soon as you have been approved for ...
Jellyfish are increasing in the majority of the world's coastal ecosystems, according to the first global study of jellyfish abundance by University of British Columbia researchers. In a study ...
A sweeping synthesis of two decades worth of data from Canada's major earth sciences project has yielded an unprecedented geological map of North America that offers researchers a glimpse back in time ...
UBC Science researchers have received $10.5 million in funding from Genome Canada and international partners to create the first reference genome of the sunflower family – work that will pinpoint ...
Large numbers of fish will disappear from the tropics by 2050, finds a new University of Britsh Columbia study that examined the impact of climate change on fish stocks. The study identified ocean ...
UBC botanists have placed seaweed in the underwater equivalent of a wind tunnel to get a better idea of how different types of algae withstand the onslaught of strong waves and currents. The findings, ...
Canada needs a bold vision to fully understand its biodiversity resources. This is a central finding of a group of 14 eminent experts, including two UBC scientists, brought together by the Council of ...
A new mineral exploration technology built on the research of UBC physicist Douglas Bryman has received $1.8 million in proof of concept funding from Western Economic Diversification. The technology, ...
UBC has partnered with US-based Coursera to offer genetics, computer science and climate literacy courses online--bringing the university’s expertise within reach of anyone with Internet access.