Rising from a roughly cut base of marble resembling a large rock, two nude figures are delicately carved and polished smooth. A young man on his knees holds his arms behind his back, leaning forward ...
Breenbergh specialized in paintings of Italianate landscapes with shepherds or small figures that enact scenes from the Bible or classical mythology. Here he represents an episode from Ovid’s ...
At left, in the middle distance a small girl with pale skin and long blonde hair wears a long white dress. She kneels facing left, in a grassy field dotted with sheep, looking up at a small cross tied ...
Against a medium dark brown background, monochrome tan brushstrokes depict a nude adolescent male crouching on the ground. Leaning forward on his arms, he looks ahead to the left and away from the ...
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One of the earliest forms of Chinese writing is preserved in the simple inscriptions on bronze vessels from the late Shang period. Integrally cast into the bronzes — as opposed to being incised into ...
This is a dark metal sculpture depicting the head of a horned human like being. There are two horns that extend straight up from the top of the head. There is also a decorative spherical bump ...
The painting of a man wearing a tuxedo standing in front of a light gray wall. The left arm is bent at waist level, the hand holds a small white object between the fingers. The right arm is bent in a ...
A woman is sitting at the center of the painting, her body facing to the right-hand side. She has a red cloak draped over her shoulders, which hangs over the side of the chair, and she is wearing a ...
In a lavish room with ornate tapestries, a young woman with fair skin and long light brown hair lies against cushions on the floor, with only a silk sheet wrapped around her legs. A hookah and a fan ...
Degas displayed the wax figure after which this bronze was cast at the sixth impressionist exhibition, in 1881. The only sculpture that he ever presented publicly, the work caused an uproar for its ...