“They don’t know that Utah, because of our geological hazards and makeup … that we see more radon.” About one-third of homes have what the EPA classifies as elevated levels — four ...
The release of the largest dataset of Utah radon test results shows the deadly gas is even more common in Utah homes than previously understood.
The prospective, epidemiologic School Inner-City Asthma Study (SICAS) evaluated potential biomarkers of inflammation associated with radon exposure among children aged 4 to 13 years with persistent ...
In school buildings found to have high radon levels, reducing (or mitigating) radon involves installing a venting pipe and ...
Excessive levels of radioactive radon gas have been found at a second English prison after the same problem forced the closure of HMP Dartmoor last year. A reliable source has told Inside Time ...
Are you monitoring your home for radon levels? Radon is an odourless, colourless and tasteless gas that naturally occurs in rock and soil. In enclosed spaces like basements and homes, radon can ...
RYE — Officials have temporarily closed the town’s public library due to “actionable levels” of radon detected in the 114-year-old building. Remediation efforts are under way at Rye Public ...
Did you know radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers? For smokers, the risk is even higher. You can’t see, smell, or taste it, but radon can harm your health. Radon is a ...
Jackie Nixon continually monitors radon levels in her condo in South Fayette. She has a vested interest because of her health. She is a 10-year survivor of lung cance , a very foreign concept to ...