The inverted Zeiss CLSM 510 laser scanning confocal microscope is equipped with three PMT detectors, seven laser lines (405, 458, 477, 488, 514, 543, 633 nm), motorized Z-drive and a wide range of ...
VISULENS ® 500 from ZEISS is a straightforward, easy-to-use automated lensmeter designed to speed up the refraction and prescription processes. The instrument helps you to spend more time on ...
Zeiss PALM Mic­ro­Beam la­ser mic­ro­dis­sec­tion in­stru­ment is located at the EE building (Agnes Sjöbergin katu 2), 3rd floor, lab 3121. The instrument is built on the Axio Observer.Z1 body. It has ...
The Zeiss LSM700 is an inverted microscope - objectives are below ... The LSM700 is also equipped with a XenoWorks micromanipulator and a digital microinjector from Sutter Instruments, which enable ...
Micro CTs generate 3D models from a series of non-destructive X-ray cross sections. The X-ray microscope (XRM) uses optical magnification to enhance the resolution of micro CT. Like electron ...
Grab yourself a pair of top quality binoculars with these unmissable Zeiss binocular deals. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works.
equipped with a comprehensive suite of state-of-the-art ZEISS optical instruments and extensive vision care solutions. This successful model has since been expanded to all PUYI OPTICAL stores in ...
The collaboration will enhance the offerings at the PUYI VISION CARE LAB in the Central flagship store by integrating the optical expertise from professional optometrists and a full suite of ZEISS ...
equipped with a comprehensive suite of state-of-the-art ZEISS optical instruments and extensive vision care solutions. This successful model has since been expanded to all PUYI OPTICAL stores in ...