Prune rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) in late winter or even toward early spring. Cut back the stem tips and remove damaged or diseased branches. Hard pruning of butterfly bush (Buddleia ...
Likely, the end of winter signaled the start of your spring garden to-do list. Finish up your pre-growing-season chores by ...
They said: “The correct time to prune your rose bushes is late winter before they start to come out of dormancy in early spring.” The “biggest advantage” of pruning now is that since the ...
Good question and good thinking. You finished pruning your roses and now on to the next fun task – Feeding. (Yes, it’s fun!) ...
Which plants to prune in spring Roses The best time to prune roses is in late winter and early spring, so it’s important that gardeners tackle this task sooner rather than later. Holly Jones ...
The days are getting longer and it’s starting to feel more believable that spring is around the corner. While warmer weather will add a lot of different gardening tasks to the ‘to-do list ...
As winter begins to transition into spring ... Jervis advises homeowners to wait until rose plants begin to bud out before pruning. “Don’t do it too early because we could still get a freeze ...
Kim Jewel with GroundMasters met up with Denver7 to explain what we should be doing in our yards during the winter months.
Whether you're maintaining your rose bushes or preparing your hydrangeas for future blooms, here's a look at the tasks to focus on this time of year.