White, wooly adults (figure 1 ... It is not a pathogen but will discolor plants Crape myrtle has reduced flower size and vigor under CMBS pressure compared to healthy crape myrtle ...
The white dogwood (Cornus florida ... A summer flowering tree, the Natchez crape myrtle tree (Lagerstroemia 'Natchez') is ...
Crape myrtles are the most popular summer flowering tree in the U.S. Although ... Adult females are felt-like white or gray encrustations that stick to crape myrtle parts ranging from small ...
Reid suggests using a magnifying glass. “If your tree still has any bark on it, you can lift up the bark and you will see the little white larva,” she said. “That Is what will be hatching ...
Why are the trunks of my crape myrtles turning black? They look rather unsightly. Mine aren't the only ones doing this -- ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — If you have a crape myrtle tree in your yard, you may have heard about "Crape Murder". It's when the tops of crape myrtles are cut down. Lukas Suzano with Davey Tree of ...
If you have chosen a standard variety, let it mature and become the beautiful tree it was meant to be! Crape myrtle trees bloom on the new growth, so any pruning that is needed should be done ...
Janet B. Carson, a freelance writer, retired in 2018 from her 38-year career at the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension. She was a horticulture specialist and coordinator of the Arkansas ...