Don't worry about it. Check this out. The spleen's that soft, purple organ located right behind the stomach and under the lungs. It's about five inches wide and weighs about six ounces.
The tumors that are not malignant, like hemangioma, are still a problem since they sometimes ulcerate and become infected and ...
A paper in Science Signaling last week (April 20) reports that the liver and lungs of rats produce more TNF than the spleen does, but the spleen remains the master regulator, of the liver at least, ...
Your dog will be fine without his spleen. It is not a vital organ. The cons of this type of surgery are that it does not do much if the tumor ... after the surgery. De Nardi AB, de Oliveira ...
When the disease affects the splenic artery or vein, the adjacent spleen is often removed. After removal of the end of the pancreas, the remaining portion of the organ functions normally by producing ...