Now mice are getting in on the action. Researchers have developed a set of VR goggles for lab mice for use in brain studies, according to a report published recently in the journal Nature Methods.
When the team set to work designing VR goggles for a rodent, they were surprised to find many of the necessary components already existed. Postdoctoral researcher Matthew Isaacson built the ...
Apple's new VR goggles may rewire our brains in some unexpected ... They experienced "simulator sickness" — nausea, headaches, dizziness. That was weird, given how experienced they all were ...
After several poor experiences with the dizziness and nausea many people ... Consider them a cross between a VR headset and AR glasses. They're not supervillains out to doxx us all (whew) They ...
Scientists have created virtual reality goggles - for mice. Cornell University researchers built the tiny eyepieces - called MouseGoggles - to study the clever critters' neural activity when ...
The miniature goggles could help reveal how the brain deals ... One of the most effective VR tests was tricking mice into believing an expanding dark blotch was approaching them, according to ...