Flav also applaudes Tiffany "New York" Pollard and the other women of "Flavor of Love": "I couldn't have did it without those ...
But nothing is more important than ensuring the host has a snappy and memorable catchphrase for the moment contestants get sent packing.So what makes a good elimination line? Nothing in reality TV is ...
As for Flav, VH1 handed him another series, Flavor of Love, a Bachelor-like show that brought the network big viewership for three seasons, from 2006 to 2008. “I kind of reshaped and molded ...
Flavor Flav talks about his wide-ranging fandom of Olympic athletes to Taylor Swift. (Christopher Polk/Variety via Getty Images) ...
As for Flav, VH1 handed him another series, Flavor of Love, a Bachelor-like show that brought the network big viewership for three seasons, from 2006 to 2008. “I kind of reshaped and molded reality TV ...