An independent clause is basically a complete sentence; it can stand on its own and make sense. An independent clause consists of a subject (e.g. “the dog”) and a verb (e.g. “barked”) creating a ...
In English, our sentences usually operate using a similar pattern: subject, verb, then object. The nice part about this type of structure is that it lets your reader easily know who is doing the ...
Learn how to use tenses with BBC Bitesize 3rd level English. A subordinating conjunction is the word or words used to join two clauses together in a complex sentence. Find out more with Bitesize.
The English language is a strange and wonderful thing, but every so often, someone manages to string together a sentence so bizarre, so completely unhinged, that it feels like a historic moment. These ...
Most average adult English speakers know between 20,000 ... phrases, clauses and types of sentences. We often think of grammar as a list of rules we learn at school, but it is far more exciting ...