The latter Croft trilogy gets the re-do treatment now, but can these games hold us as well as their forebears?
However, the show will navigate canon lore that sees Lara Croft evolve into the fierce adventurer fans first saw in the 90s video games. Netflix's Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft will ...
All that, and it's still better than Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness ... It's obvious from watching her 90s series why she was cast as the lead, but she's able to walk the fine line between ...
bringing her properly into the 21st century and introducing the '90s icon to a new audience. Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is one of Aspyr's most accomplished projects, successfully giving three of ...
Tomb Raider Colossal Collection Volume 1 releases in June and will be followed up by Volume 2 in November.
Fortnite’s collaboration with other renowned franchises is nothing new to veteran gamers. Since its release, Epic Games has ...
But this second trilogy of Tomb Raider games is a bit different from ... but even in the late 90s they were critiqued for retreading increasingly familiar ground. Heck, Core Design even tried ...
It was credited as being the game that almost killed Tomb Raider, and now ... appealing for those looking to recapture that late ‘90s nostalgia. This goes for the gameplay too.