Smith, who recently left NewsChannel 5 after nine years, tells state House Criminal Justice Subcommittee fakers are ...
Imagine getting arrested. The whole incident is caught on police body camera video. But the department refuses to give it to ...
During a presentation over a bill, two lawmakers faced off, which dissolved into personal tensions between the Democrat and ...
The measure would take effect only after a Supreme Court decision, Constitutional Amendment or other action allows states to ...
Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill to ease restrictions on smaller childcare providers.House Bill 106 passed unanimously on ...
The proposed legislation comes three years after Robertson County Sheriff’s Deputy Savanna Puckett was found dead inside her ...
In a case filed in Hamilton County, the Tennessee Supreme Court on Wednesday held that Tennessee law does not prohibit a private employer from firing an employee for exercising the right to petition ...
Frank Brazil, an attorney for the Community Review Board, said the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation raided Butler Snow law ...
Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell is responding to concerns over the TBI raid on the law firm tasked with conducting an ...
Records made by a recently-created state immigration enforcement office, the result of a new law passed in late January, ...
Tennesee’s Republican governor may sign a proposal that would require educational institutions that house students overnight ...