Blackbeard, Stede Bonnet, the women pirates Mary Read and Anne Bonny, were all part of this one gang. It’s this gang that all of the pop culture images and iconography related to pirates comes from.
Taika Waititi and Rhys Darby star in this swashbuckling comedy loosely based on the adventures of Stede Bonnet, a wealthy landowner who left his life of privilege to become a pirate. The 21 show ...
It follows Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby), who left his wife, family, and position as a wealthy landowner to turn to a life of crime on the seas. Known as the "Gentleman Pirate," the real-life Bonnet ...
Luffy and his pirate crew on a treasure hunt. Our Flag Means Death: A comedic take on pirate Stede Bonnet's adventure with a ...
Getting his ship together. 1717: hapless Stede Bonnet has a midlife crisis and hits the high seas as a 'gentleman pirate'. It does not go well. With Taika Waititi and Rhys Darby.