Slush canons, snow bots, and possibly heat pumps could help preserve ice on Ottawa’s Rideau Canal as winters shrink.
We deliver climate news to your inbox like nobody else. Every day or once a week, our original stories and digest of the web's top headlines deliver the full story, for free. ICN provides award ...
Slush ice drinks made with glycerol have been found to make children sick. Doctors and medical scientists in Ireland and the UK investigated following reported sickness connected with the icy ...
Health warnings on slushy ice drinks should be extended to include older children as they pose a significant threat to their health, doctors have warned. Researchers at Children’s Health Ireland ...
Slush ice drinks made with glycerol have been found to make children sick. Doctors and medical scientists in Ireland and the UK investigated following reported sickness connected with the icy ...
“Healthcare professionals and parents should be aware that young children can become seriously unwell due to glycerol intoxication, shortly after consuming slush ice drinks containing glycerol ...
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) advises against children under four consuming slush ice drinks containing glycerol. It also recommends consumption is limited to no more than one slush per day for ...
Public health advice on the safe consumption of glycerol-containing slush ice drinks, also known as slushees, may need revising, conclude researchers after carrying out a detailed review of the ...
Children under the age of eight should avoid consuming slush ice drinks containing the sweetening agent glycerol, researchers suggest. It comes as a study highlighted a number of youngsters ...
An ice cream van fleet owner says his decision to stop selling ‘slushy’ drinks three years ago has been the right one despite losing business - as doctors today warned of the health risks they ...
Slush ice drinks made with glycerol have been found to make children sick. Doctors and medical scientists in Ireland and the UK investigated following reported sickness connected with the icy ...