For example, you can model a pure sine wave with the equation: S(t) = A sin(2*pi*F*t) where A is amplitude, F is the frequency in Hertz, and t is time. Try it. In that example, the frequency is 1 ...
According to the FOURIER THEOREM, periodic sound may be shown to consist of SINE WAVEs in the HARMONIC SERIES, where the Fourier coefficients give the AMPLITUDE and PHASE angle of each component.
In general, a good math model for a sine wave is: y=A*sin(ωt+Φ) Let’s dissect what this equation to see what ... So you can think of A as the amplitude — if A is, say, 5 then the output ...
Velocity (and therefore pressure) is greatest mid-way between the maximum displacement of the vibrating body, and we can graph the resulting relationship between amplitude and sound pressure in the ...
You need to know about these quantities used in waves - what they mean, the symbols used for them and the units used to measure them. The amplitude (\(a\)) of a wave is the distance from the ...