Its accompanying panel featuring the Satanic Temple's seven tenets had also been shattered, New Hampshire Public Radio reported Tuesday. Democrat Rep. Ellen Read, who helped organize the display ...
An Orthodox Christian man remains unapologetic after claiming to have repeatedly destroyed the demonic statute that satanists erected outside the New Hampshire State House in Concord last month ...
Everett said many people misunderstand HAIL and the Satanic Temple. The church, and its associated school program, are built on the Seven Fundamental Tenets of The Satanic Temple, summarized below ...
The HAIL alternative will take students to a local library for activities such as learning The Satanic Temple’s seven tenets, though more commonly general knowledge topics such as zoology.
Instead, they argue that the laws violate RFRA because they may cause members of the Satanic Temple to encounter ideas contrary to their religious tenets. Courts should defer to religious ...
CONCORD, N.H. (WMUR) - For the second time in less than two weeks, the display put up by the Satanic Temple outside the New Hampshire Statehouse has been vandalized. Corinne Stanley says she ...