The Digital Blocks DB9000AXI LCD / OLED Display Controller IP Core interfaces a microprocessor and frame buffer memory via the AMBA AXI Protocol Interconnect to a LCD or OLED display panel. ... The ...
The importance of secure interface IP blocks in critical semiconductor applications.
We have seen stable net flows of 40k cr and a marginal decline in SIP block which currently stands at 26.4k cr against 26.45 k cr in December 2025. Interestingly, there is a swing in allocations ...
As of the Xilinx Vivado 2020.1 release, the MIPI DSI (display serial interface) and CSI (camera serial interface) IP blocks are now bundled with the IDE to be used freely with Xilinx FPGAs.
We have seen stable net flows of 40k cr and a marginal decline in SIP block which currently stands at 26.4k cr against 26.45 k cr in December 2025. Interestingly, there is a swing in allocations from ...