The poster presentation schedule will be available on the Symposium website no later than Friday, July 25. Presenters need to be available for public discussion of your research during one of the ...
Do not write everything you did in your work. Briefly frame the research you will be describing. Your poster will be a better place to elaborate on selected aspects of your research. Instead, make ...
Eligible authors/presenters must be undergraduate students enrolled at a COSGC Affiliate Institution. Submissions must be research posters. The final file submitted shall be PDF. The submitted file ...
All posters must be submitted in the following dimensions: 36” (width) X 24” (height). Poster files must be sent in PDF format. Students presenting their research should consider including the ...
The Colleges of Science, Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Technology and Honors hosted the Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium on April 12. The symposium seeks to raise awareness about ...