"Losing your mucus plug usually means your cervix is dilating (opening up) and becoming thinner and softer (effacing)," ...
A pink discharge from the vagina commonly occurs ... after sex as tiny tears in vaginal tissues mix with vaginal mucus. If you experience a pinkish discharge outside of your regular menstrual ...
Your nasal mucous protects you by trapping dust ... (Image Credits: Pixabay) You must have seen that the colour of your nasal discharge tends to change and it is never the same.
Eucalyptus oil is commonly used for steam inhalation as it relieves inflammation and helps clear phlegm. However, it can be ...
a pink or red color in the white of the eyes, swelling of the conjunctiva, and increased tear production. One can also experience itchiness, discharge of pus or mucus that sticks to the lashes ...
You may also see bloody, pink, or brown discharge around this stage, either at the same time as you pass the mucus plug or separately. This is referred to as "bloody show" and it is a sign that ...