You can run it as a docker container as shown below mvn clean package docker run --publish 8200:80 in28min/aws-hello-world-rest-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT docker login docker push ...
And then I would test it using Postman, or alternatively Thunder Client for VS Code. The next step in testing RESTful APIs for errors is to check the status code that the API returns in the response.
A resource is any entity that can be identified by a URI and manipulated by HTTP methods. Resources can be collections, items, or actions. For example, /users is a collection resource, /users/123 ...
Cisco released patches for three vulnerabilities, including a critical privilege escalation bug and a DoS flaw for which ...
This book will show you how FastAPI, a high-performance web framework for building RESTful APIs in Python, allows you to build robust web APIs that are simple and intuitive and makes it easy to build ...