No super hero is coming to save us. We were near the edge of a giant precipice in 2013. Today, we are far, far away from that ...
Ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha (LS) elections, major political parties have released their manifestos detailing provisions and plans of action if they were to come to power. The manifestos focus on ...
The group adopts an official political manifesto, the Port Huron Statement, based largely on a draft by Tom Hayden (later of the Chicago Seven). We are people of this generation, bred in at least ...
A non-governmental organisation, STAR-Ghana Foundation, together with other health sector stakeholders, has begun tracking ...
Our recently announced list of election asks goes into greater detail about what we want. The release of party political manifestos means we now have a slightly clearer picture of what we might get, ...
Unrealistic and expensive promises that lead to a huge increase in government expenditure and additional reinforcement of the country's role in the economy are key policies of the political manifestos ...
Dorji agriculture be consultative locked contenta music party plans locked contentbe cheese consultative self-reliant locked contentparty Bumthang plans political locked contentconsultative ...