A talented Pokemon fan designs six horror-themed versions of Bulbasaur, the popular Grass-type starter from the franchise's ...
After being captured by the player, the Grass-type Cacnea evolves into the Grass/Dark-type Cacturne at Level 32. A talented Pokemon fan redesigns the Fighting/Steel-type Lucario using the same art ...
Z-A has revealed its three starter Pokémon. In this new Pokémon game you can choose from: Totodile, Tepig, and Chikorita.
A fan creates unique Mega evolutions for the three starters of the upcoming Pokemon Legends Z-A, coming up with incredible ...
The small Pokemon can evolve into Ivysaur starting at Level 16, and then into Venusaur by Level 32. These creatures can learn powerful moves such as Power Whip and Solar Beam at high levels.
To unlock a Max Move in Pokémon Go, select a Dynamax Pokémon or Gigantamax Pokémon in your collection. You can spot these at ...