While you occasionally see these in certain applications, they aren’t what you think of when you think of zipper bags. Ausnit’s son, Steven, figured out how to remove the tab. That made the ...
Find a good gap to fit into before you run out of pavement. But when traffic is building up to the point of congestion, it’s time to zipper merge. Drivers in the closing lane should remain in that ...
If you’re having a hard time closing the zipper on your bag or suitcase, it may be the teeth are wearing out. To fix this, slightly lubricate the teeth using candle wax or petroleum jelly.
We’ve all been there. That sad day when the zipper on our favorite hoodie, bag, or pair of pants breaks in some seemingly irreparable way. But there is hope, and [Magic Stitches] is gonna show ...
Check for fabric caught in the closed zipper teeth and gently pull it out using a pair of tweezers. If no fabric is visible, rub a light coating of graphite pencil, vaseline, a crayon/candle ...
While you can take a dodgy zipper to your local alterations shop for a replacement, if you're on your way out and your dress or bag suddenly breaks, you want a quick and simple solution.