"At present, human-to-human transmission is very inefficient but ... As of February 2024, there were 242 fatalities from Nipah virus in Bangladesh since the virus was discovered there in 2001.
Many pandemics that spread across national borders also originate from this mode of transmission ... classifies the Nipah virus as a potentially very dangerous virus for humans.
there is no vaccine for the Nipah virus. It is advised to follow all precautions to limit the spread during a suspected outbreak. WHO recommends these tips to prevent animal-to-human transmission.
The virus can also spread through direct contact with infected animals, contaminated food, or human-to-human transmission. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nipah infection can ...
Nipah Virus Outbreak ... infected person or via respiratory droplets (very much similar to the COVID-19 virus transmission). This is not the first time that Kerala has issued an alert over ...
The ratings aren't intended as a detailed threat assessment and don't indicate which pathogen is most likely to trigger then ...
The viruses that pose the biggest risk to public health have been revealed. Among the viral pathogen families classed as high ...
Among the viral families classed as high risk for both epidemics and pandemics are coronaviridae, which includes Covid-19, ...
The UK Health Security Agency has developed a toolkit to guide research and preparedness efforts in biosecurity.