New Zealand has so much to offer tourists, from scenic hikes (“tramps”) to beautiful beaches to world-class vineyards. But ...
So, what was the Treaty of Waitangi, what are the proposals for altering it, and why has it become a flashpoint for protests ...
Te reo Maori existed in Aotearoa (the Maori name for New Zealand) before Pakeh (European ... and unfair experiences that the tangata whenua (people of the land) have experienced over centuries.
the leader of the right-wing ACT New Zealand Party. Seymour "says that misinterpretations of the treaty's meaning have effectively given Maori people special treatment. The bill calls for an end ...
Toitu te Zealand Wars, by Lauren Keenan (Te Āti Awa ki Taranaki), gives readers the history of 30 key battles and ...
The Speaker of New Zealand's Parliament has declared he ... s name without the referendum and sanction of the New Zealand people?” Mr Peters asked Mr Brownlee. Mr Menéndez March, who was ...
However, unlike English, te reo Maori is a transparent language – the written form is completely phonetic with a 100% ...
With its top-notch service, local flavors and commitment to long-haul comfort, Air New Zealand ensures the journey is as warm ...
To that end, the museum, which is housed in a memorial that honors fallen service members, hosts exhibits featuring taonga (treasures) from New Zealand’s native Maori people and displays ...