We offer the world hope that it can withstand this tidal wave of hatred and escape the abyss of confusion. We have endured.
The revelatory moment at Mount Sinai is bookended by two challenging passages. Six sentences before the giving of the “10 sayings” (aseret hadibrot), also known as the Ten Commandments ...
When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he’s holding the rules by which they were to live and sees this golden calf party.
When He had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, stone tablets, written ...
The Lebanese Al Akhbar network reported Friday morning that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has retreated from his previous stance and is now offering a city in Sinai to temporarily ...
One key assumption for the proposition that Saudi Arabia is the place in which Mount Sinai towers is that Jewish refugees from Goshen had been led to a mountain-locked seashore delta, today called ...