Making and playing with sock puppets is a great way to encourage your little one to play pretend and make creative choices. You don't need many craft materials to make a sock puppet, you can get ...
Watch the video for some ideas of how to play and make up stories together using fun sock puppet characters. Making a sock puppet couldn't be easier - all you need is an old sock and a marker pen ...
A phony name made up by a user in order to masquerade as someone else on the Internet. Sock puppets can make controversial comments or vote for or against a cause without revealing their identity.
These origami-like puppets can come to life with one touch. They are called karakuri puppets and they have been used in Japan as early as the 17th Century. The technique is called Kirigami which ...
Much fun was had by everyone. If you couldn't make it down, you can create your own Wild Canadian Year paper bag puppet with your children at home. 1. Download the template here and print it.