The benefits of a record mild winter on the UP deer herd during the first months of 2024 showed up during last fall’s ...
The Michigan DNR is asking state lawmakers to increase hunting and fishing licenses, while being "open" to changing its ...
Two new bills introduced in Michigan could reshape the upcoming deer hunting season. Discover the details on baiting ...
In hopes of encouraging hunters to pursue more does, State Rep. Jennifer Wortz (R-Quincy) has offered a proposal that would ...
Michigan has the only persisting bovine tuberculosis outbreak in wild deer anywhere in the U.S. — and it occasionally spills ...
results of the U.P. deer camp survey and activities of the Michigan Wildlife Council. Additional business includes updates on old business items and reports from various division staff and council ...
MID-MICHIGAN (WNEM) - Hunters are stocking up ... Guys are going up north, they’re going to deer camp, have a few cold ones, ...
Hunters killed more than 280,000 deer in 2024, an increase over the previous year, but not nearly enough to slow the increase in Michigan's deer herd. Hunters claimed about 13,000 more deer in 202 ...
Born in the hunting-rich state of Michigan, Lewis grew up around deer camp with his father and uncles and picked up a bow to start chasing whitetail as soon as legally possible, on his 12th birthday.
A case of chronic wasting disease has been confirmed in a farmed white-tailed deer in mid-Michigan. The case involved a ...