Shannin Desroches was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. She had no symptoms for years, experiencing a nagging pain only ...
Colon cancer rates are on the rise for young adults, so it’s important to know your risk.Reviewed by Dietitian Emily ...
Low back pain affects an estimated one in four American adults and is the leading contributor to disability globally. In most ...
Ouch! You may know that pain in your lower right abdomen is infamously linked to appendicitis, but what about pain in your lower left abdomen? While it could simply be a muscle strain, it’s ...
Uncomplicated diverticulosis was not associated with increased abdominal pain or altered bowel habits. "Our results do not support that uncomplicated diverticulosis causes symptoms in individuals ...
Weight loss and abdominal pain usually occur in the later stages ... which removes the need for the lower part of the colon. This is a colostomy. Immunotherapy is a key treatment for either ...
Consuming red and processed meats can increase your risk of colon cancer. Swapping red and processed meats for lean, unprocessed proteins like chicken and legumes may help reduce your risk.
You might get chemotherapy in many ways, including into a vein or in a pill. Yogurt May Help Lower Your Colon Cancer Risk: StudyEating at least two servings of yogurt a week may help protect you ...
All of these behaviors are linked to a lower risk of colon cancer. So not only did they eat plenty of yogurt, but they also tended to engage in overall healthy habits. This stresses the importance ...
Specifically, the researchers found that the habitual yogurt eaters had lower rates of Bifidobacterium-positive proximal colon cancers. Proximal colon cancer is a type of colon cancer that occurs ...