Opening in media res, the story begins with the... H. P. Lovecraft, Author, read by Wayne June. Audio Realms/Wildside $25.95 (0p) ISBN 978-0-8095-6268-8 Volume one contains The Dunwich Horror and ...
If you loved Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the Hollywood blockbuster and international bestseller, prepare for the next literary-horror sensation. One hundred years after Ernest Hemingway's The Sun ...
Theology is the study of God. But the gods that comprise the main antagonists in the horror stories of H.P. Lovecraft have little to do with God as traditional theology understands the concept.
Some objected to a bust of Lovecraft being used to award winners at the World Fantasy Awards, due to the author’s quite virulent racism. Instead they suggested the great sci-fi writer Octavia ...
Lovecraft has had an influence on a variety of musical styles, from the 1960s psychedelic rock band that took his name, to the Arctic Monkeys, who name-checked the author in their song You're So Dark.