Rather, it declared free only those slaves living in states not under Union control. William Seward, Lincoln's secretary of state, commented, "We show our symapthy with slavery by emancipating ...
Though "contraband" slaves had been declared free, Lincoln continued to insist that this was a war to save the Union, not to free slaves. But by 1862, Lincoln was considering emancipation as a ...
Fremont issued an emancipation proclamation in St. Louis, freeing slaves in Missouri, a bold move that predated President Abraham Lincoln’s more famous Emancipation Proclamation by two years.
At Last, the Medical Establishment’s Support for ‘Gender Affirming Care’ Begins to Crack Our Foreign Policy Interest in Stopping Lawless Campus-Protest Mayhem Black Bag: Spies Mix Business ...
I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.” 37 —Abraham Lincoln The Civil War was about slavery, although both sides sometimes pretended that it was not.