The jumbo isopod has been named Bathynomus vaderi because its carapaced cranium resembles Darth Vader’s iconic helmet from ...
Watch Tucker, the brave golden retriever, face off against a giant cockroach! See how he reacts to this creepy-crawly ...
Madagascar hissing cockroaches are some of the largest cockroaches in the world, often reaching up to 4 inches long! And while the term “roach” my make you squeamish, these particular insects ...
*(CNN) — The patient is submerged in an ice bath as an anesthetic for the impending surgery. When sufficient numbness is achieved, University of Queensland student Lachlan Fitzgerald begins the ...
This insect looks—and sounds—like anything but a run-of-the-mill roach. Madagascar hissing cockroaches are one of many fascinating animal species to hail from the island of Madagascar.
The rhinoceros cockroach is the largest species and can grow to around 8cm in length. They are only found in North Queensland, Australia. The heaviest specimen recorded weighed 33g. Madagascan ...
Known colloquially as American cockroaches, the Periplaneta americana is one of the largest species and are consumed for a variety of ailments: stomach ulcers, respiratory tract problems ...