We know through name alone that popcorn comes from corn, but not just any kernel will pop into the crunchy snack we know and love. The species of corn that's most commonly used for traditional ...
including Indian corn and calico corn (in reference to its multi-colored kernels). It's one of the three types of corn that American Indian tribes grew as a food source. The fact that flint corn ...
Not all corn pops! Popcorn is a special type of corn. Some other grains, such as quinoa and sorghum, can pop too; but popcorn is the biggest and best popper! This picture shows 200 kernels of popcorn ...
Sweet corn comes in a range of kernel colors: yellow, white, and bicolor (yellow and white). Here's a short video about preparing sweet corn. Sweet corn is most often eaten cooked. Peel or “shuck” the ...
Nevertheless, factors such as degree of packing, type of silo, and presence of additives can influence how wet a silage may be stored. Figure 1. The moisture concentration of whole plant corn relative ...