Loki Patera is 202 kilometres (126 mi) in diameter, covers 20,000 sq km (7,700 sq mi), and was the largest volcanic feature found on Io until these new observations revealed the hot spot in the south ...
Jupiter's volcanic moon Io doesn't appear to have a subsurface ocean of magma, resolving some issues about how Io's volcanoes erupt and raising broader questions about similar magma oceans within ...
Plate tectonics give Earth its mountains, earthquakes, continental drift and maybe even helped give rise to life itself. But do other planets in the solar system have them too?
Extracting more information from waves So far, the researchers can only speculate. "We think that the anomalies in the lower mantle have a variety of origins," says Schouten. He believes it is ...
With a solid core, icy mantle, and rocky crust, Ceres demonstrates internal differentiation, a characteristic typically seen in planets, not asteroids. Ceres may hold more water than Earth ...