Below are the most notable NBA players born on Jan. 1.
Question: Why was the phone late for work on January 1? Answer: It was ringing in the new year. Check out more jokes here Do you have a joke you'd like featured on Let us know!
Most countries use what’s called the Gregorian calendar. This calendar, first adopted by Pope Gregory in the 1500s, sets Jan. 1 as the beginning of the new year and is currently in the year 2024 ...
Medicare will begin capping prescription drug costs at $2,000 annually from January 1—a move that's widely expected to ...
Here are the states where income taxes will be cut starting on Jan. 1, 2025, based on the Tax Foundation's analysis. Indiana, whose state legislature is controlled by GOP lawmakers and whose ...
The Moon is in Aquarius. Happy Birthday for Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025: You are determined and hardworking; however, you are also flexible and can handle change. You’re intelligent. This year will ...
January 1—15: The 2nd and 3rd hold a turbulent aspect, so try to stay centered, and also make an effort not to overreact. Practicality is the key word on the 4th, and you’ll need to avoid ...
Brian Kemp signed more than 700 into law. Many already went into but some kick in on Jan. 1, 2025. Thousands of schoolchildren could be eligible for school vouchers, while the homeless will be ...