The coffin of St. Nicholas — considered the primary inspiration for Santa Claus due to his generosity — may have been discovered at an archeological dig site.
Even in death, there is a Byzantine legend of St. Nicholas coming back down to earth to get grain to feed the hungry before ascending back into the sky. Scenes of Santa Claus being arrested and ...
Saint Nicholas was born in Lycia in Asia Minor ... and is thus associated with Santa Claus in some countries. He died on December 6th in 346.
Trump listened again and chuckled before saying, "Well, you just enjoy… Father Christmas, Père Noël, St. Nicholas, Babbo Natale, Santa Claus: The jolly old man with a white beard is an ...
While St Nicholas Day is a quite separate celebration from Christmas, its proximity to December 25 has led to a certain confusion between the Swiss Samichlaus and the American Santa Claus.