If you’re in your 30s, 40s or 50s, dementia might feel like a distant concern, something you associate with advanced age.
A study of thousands of people finds that neural connections in the brain start to break down quickly around age 44, but the research hints that ketone supplements could potentially help slow that ...
Insulin resistance isn't a life sentence; with some lifestyle tweaks and timely medical attention, you can turn things around ...
There are certain lifestyle habits that are clearly linked to weight gain, like not being active in your daily life and ...
Your brain's chemistry fuels food cravings. Learn how dopamine, cortisol, and other chemicals drive your appetite and how to ...
A new study has revealed that brain aging doesn’t follow a smooth, gradual decline but instead happens in distinct phases, ...
SaveHealth explores what the research says about Ozempic's effects on insulin resistance and related conditions.
The human brain appears to undergo accelerated ageing once a person reaches the age of 44, with the deterioration hitting a ...