The restrictions are in place because industrial hemp and marijuana are ... an alternative to concrete that is made from a mixture of hemp stalk hurds and lime, was approved for use as a building ...
and Thailand are some of the economies currently involved in the production and consumption of industrial hemp and its by-products such as fibre, seed, hurds, oil, and several others, thus ...
Corbett Hefner, vice president of research and development for Power Zone, says mobile decorticators are ideal for hemp grower needs, whether their buyers are looking to use the hurd for hempcrete ...
Above: At Hemptitecture, bales of decorticated industrial hemp fiber await being ... Hempcrete blocks are composed of hemp hurds (the woody cores of the plant’s stalk) and a lime-based binder ...
France never outlawed industrial hemp so they were trying alternatives to use the hemp waste product: the inner part of the hemp plant, the hemp hurd or hemp shiv. Hemp lime was an experiment that ...