Scientists at HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus developed cycleHCR, an imaging tool using DNA barcodes to track RNA and protein ...
Comparison of a single-stranded RNA and a double-stranded DNA with their corresponding nucleobases (Image: Wikimedia Commons, CC SA 3.0) Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules are responsible for delivering ...
Pictured is a computer-generated RNA structure tied in a trefoil knot. C. Micheletti et al. screened the several thousand RNA chains in the Protein Data Bank for the presence of knots. Only three ...
Shortly after RNA transcription starts ... where they could potentially cause a global translation collapse. Image may be used only to illustrate the research described in the accompanying ...
As the technology has improved, scientists have also tackled ever more complex biochemical structures, from RNA to ribosomes. The resulting images, like Photo 51, reveal clues about the structures ...
scientists introduce HORNET and detail its groundbreaking capabilities for detecting previously hidden large and flexible RNA structural features. Researchers collected single-molecule AFM images ...