While technical aspects of first aid need to be taught and practiced, the instinct to help others in distress is deeply ingrained in human nature. And we're not alone: Various animal species have also ...
Because the human brain is difficult to study, much knowledge about the hypothalamus is based on studies in mice and forms the basis for research on anti-obesity drugs. "We know that so-called GLP ...
So when hypothalamus function is in decline ... Researchers just extended the life of middle age mice by injecting them with stem cells from newborn mice. This research could lead to anti-aging ...
Their findings, published in Cell, describe a subset of neurons in the hypothalamus that fire when a mouse fights or watches other mice fight, indicating the existence of mirror neurons, cells that ...
Like humans, mice live in complex social groups in which learning to ... the researchers found that oxytocin-producing cells from different areas of the hypothalamus were engaged, with the highest ...
Once an unconscious mouse regained movement ... behavior was driven by oxytocin-releasing neurons in the amygdala and hypothalamus. These brain regions are linked to empathy, bonding, and ...
Similar phenotypes are seen in mice born to mothers who experienced stress early in pregnancy. The findings support the idea that mitochondrial dysfunction in the hypothalamus is affected by low ...
In 2020, Hrvatin and colleagues made a breakthrough by identifying neurons in a specific region of the mouse hypothalamus, known as the avMLPA, which act as core regulators of torpor. "This is ...
High-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity is characterized by induction of inflammation in the hypothalamus ... neurons remains undefined. Mice were injected with an acute lipid infusion for 24 ...
When the team designed mice that were missing OPN3 ... It also made neurons in the hypothalamus more excitable, “so they responded to signals from outside much faster,” Oancea said. While the study ...
The researchers studied a set of special neurons in the hypothalamus region of mice brains. They said those neurons regulate body temperature and metabolism. In their study, the researchers ...